Friday, August 04, 2006

Day 4

Much to my surprise my parents were not even getting on my nerves yet after 4 days of the visit. I think thats some kind of record. They're great people, they really are and I love them to pieces, but they are also my parents so they cramp my style sometime. I kid of course, but only cause they may read this.

Anyway so Day 4 saw me and my ma check out the zoo while my dad went golfing.

The zoo is cool to me. I think I should have pursued a career in zoology. It would be fun. I could hang out with the gorillas or monkeys or the bears or the lions or etc all day long. I just love watching the way these creatures act.

However since this was my Ma's only chance to see the zoo we tried to see everything. So we did. We started out by checking out the hippos they were just eating and weren't swimming so I didn't get to see them in the water, but i did get to see the fish that 'clean up' after them. There were so many of these fish. It was pretty cool how they all gathered by the glass.

There were some other amazing animals like the giraffes, zebras and lions. But it was early in the day and they all seemed to be more interested in resting than entertaining. The bastards! Don't they know we came for a show, well their lucky I love all creatures.

I don't hold a grudge against them. They have a right to rest

So a little later on we went to the rainforst exhibit and that's where we got to check out the monkeys and all sorts of primates. The gorillas were there. I think I will go back and watch them again, them and the spider monkeys. Even though the gorrilas were not doing much they were still real interesting to me. I think its the fact they could kick my a**. What would that be like to be beat up by a gorilla. The spider monkeys were so active that it was really fun watching them swing around and goof off, oh what a life.

I could go on and on about all the animals, but I loved so much at that zoo that I would almost have to say I'm a zoo geek. The elephants didn't do much because they are getting a new enclosure built at the zoo. The flamingos were pretty neat and so colourful eh. The red panda was reall awesome, but I'm so incompetent that I never had my camera ready when he was looking my way, What a maroon.

Anyway all in all the zoo rocked and anyone visiting Calgary should check it out.

Well I'll leave it there for now, but tune in soon as the Beaderded Backpacker and his honoured guests head off to the rockies one more time to check out Lake Louise.


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